Saturday, 19 June 2010

Torn muscle

Well with 3 weeks of enforced rest due to this blasted torn muscle in my left hip area, I decided to go for a slow 2mile trot. Hmmm. Started aching after 1.5m so decided to quit. Very frustrating, especially as I really do need to up the serious training.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

MdS 2011

OMG! Had the email for Sarah at BOM & I am definately in. No more wait list & no more returns of deposit if I pull out.
How exciting.
Also good news that Tanja has been added to waitlist in 90th place. Sarah reckons she may just about squeeze in too. Both have to pull fingers out & start proper training (well when hip sorted anyway!!)

Crewkerne 9

Been a bit slack with the old blog! Had an aching feel in muscle around L hip for around 6 wks. My treatment of ignore & ibuprofen kept it at bay for around a month. During the Crewkerne 9 on 25 May, things decided they had had enough. Got to around 7miles & pain in area not good. Managed to hobble the last 2 miles & a bit gutted as time wise I was doing OK. Got around in 1:29 & got a spot prize too for my efforts!
Pain no better next day & especially hurts when L leg leads going upstairs, turning over in bed, standing after a long drive & cant cross legs either. Hmm.
Saw Mark Copp (chiropractor) & he diagnosed torn muscle!!! No running or striding out for at least 2 wks when he will reassess! Gutted. Had to pull out of Dartmoor Discovery & cant do the 26.2m part of the walking festival. AAAGH! Gonna get fat!!!