OMG! I sometimes wonder why! Still stiff as a board & day 3 is supposed to be the toughest! I again joined the walk group with the aim of running when I could (legs & hills allowing). Mini bus took us to Lulworth Cove. Started off in the local hotel loo & only just made the start whistle!! Faced with a mega hill straight off - thank goodness for my walking pole! I was huffing & puffing after 5 mins. But... what goes up, must come down! Bliddy heck! Them there steps really hurt the already stiff quads! :-(
Didnt know what was worse, they ups or the down. Still the view were stunning & it was relatively warm.
Nessa was feeling pretty good & I was struggling, so I pushed her on after around 10k. Met up with Heather again & we stuck together until the final check point. I heard at the 2nd last check that James was pulled off the course due to missing the time check. Apparently he was struggling with blisters too!
Weather started closing in & it was getting v.chilly & misty. We were all pulled off the course at the final check point & told that the coast gaurd were going to make a decision on whether or not we could complete..gutted! Only 7 or so miles to go. After an hour of getting cold & stiff we were told we could continue but only providing the 30 or so of us stuck together til the finish. Hurrah. 7 or so folk then just took off & left the rest of us to it. Camaraderie was brilliant & we were all in great spirits which made the final few miles really really good fun. Too misty to see "Old Harry", and we had to get the maps & compasses (not me) out to find our way. Coast guard counted us all in & off a couple of times too!
Finished eventually after around 10 hours. Cold, tired & very happy. Ben from VOTWO met us at the end to give us our nice little momento. Hot soup & mini bus back to Weymouth. Met with Pip & Jilly before saying goodbye & driving home. Bloody hell my legs ache!!