The day has arrived when I start my training proper for MdS next year! How scarey is that? Freezing cold day with thick frost everywhere. In true Henley form, none of the roads have been salted so it is like an ice rink outside! Thought best wait til some of the watery sunshine had thawed things out a bit so I dont slip over like my Auntie & break my arm!!!
1:30 ish set off for a planned 4 miles. Managed to get all the way to High Ham hill without a stop. That is 3/4 mile up up & more up. Was very chuffed with myself albeit rather out of breathe at the top! Felt good so managed 5.2 miles in total. Home for hot shower, soup & continue with the never ending packing of all our stuff. We move into a rented 3 wks today. EEEK!
when you updating your blog?????????????? i want to see what training you been doing :)